
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Where Is Samantha?

Post graduation. It was and still is quite an experience. This is where the next step to adulthood begins. Securing a full time job which you may or may not eventually hate. But by popular vote, most of them hate their jobs.

(via Buzzfeed)

As for me, I am 3 months into my job search phase and currently, still unemployed. I am having mix feelings about this new found relationship status that I have with life. Many times I have considered changing my Facebook employment status to "Self employed" just to make me seem..well....kinda "employed". Where my work load consist of house chores, spending an unhealthy amount of time online, going out to get some fresh air but accidentally end up in a mall, and the list goes on.

Many sees it as a blessing in disguise.

"Babe, enjoy your free time while you can"
"She cried because it was too stressful"
"My boss is such a bitch. I think she is trying to test my patience"

At this point, I really beg to differ. But I know that as soon as I begin my work life, I would end up joining the pool of people who loath their job while secretly planning for world domination.

(via Buzzfeed)

So what have I really been up to??

Work. I am a part-time tutor at Kumon. Though I would love to say I am working full-time instead because I work on all days that it operates. But that is just 4 days a week. This provides a small relief to me because I am doing something instead of bumming around doing absolutely nothing. So, technically, I am employed. Okay, I should cut it with the employment nonsense..

Most days I will be at home hunting down for contest to join. On most Fridays, I would go out for some "me" time. Where I would just go anywhere my interest takes me to. Occasionally I would phone up a friend to hang out. But most of my friends are free only during the weekends due to work. Work life. Meh.

I signed up for a gym membership last December and it has been so far so good. I am able to commit 2-3 days per week. Subject to the availability of my gym buddy and myself. I always look forward to sauna time after my workout classes. Sauna is the new table talk.

Speaking of exercise, I joined my first marathon of 2015 last weekend! Just 10km. I have been itching to run but my bro is way ahead in the half marathon category and most of my friends aren't really into marathons. But this time around, I ran with my bro and his gf, Wendy. Her stamina is similar to mine but slightly better.

le brother and I

Throughout the day after the race, the aches slowly sipped in.

(via Buzzfeed)

The above is literally my life in a nutshell. I think I played it down too much but if I had to blog about every single meet up, what I do in an hourly basis, which includes admiring myself in the mirror IN MY ROOM, then proceed to the bathroom to wash my face and admire myself in the mirror IN THE BATHROOM. Don't judge. Narcissism lives in all of us. It is just a matter of letting it get into our head or not.

Signing off at 11:07 a.m.

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